Learning the ROPES :)

Hello everyone!! Wow what a month it's been. I'm on week #2 of vending at a local market. Day one included getting up at 5:30am to get my day going. After a full day prior for organizing, and packing for the big day. I discovered while setting up that I FORGOT THE TOP TO THE TENT! Oh no, yes, ugh! Emergency call to a friend at 7am on his day off to go get my top. Whoa... yes, I was embarrassed, but I recovered. : )

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Now on to vending... for now...

Hi everyone! Thank you for following my blog. It has been quite the challenge. I'm learning so much as I go. My goal is to have my own retail store on Fort Myers Beach. However, until there is retail space on the beach, which is anyone's guess as to when that will happen, I have to get creative and try to get my brand out there through other avenues. I applied for a vendors spot on the beach but, there's a wait list. So, I applied for a spot at Moss Marina and was accepted. It's a "farmers market" at a great marina, set back a bit from the main drag. I visited a "farmers market" on the beach. I walked around and observed. I saw several food vendors, hot dogs, pork sandwiches, even the national company called Bath Fitters. Really? A bath tub company? I did see one actual vegetable/fruit stand. What I didn't see was retail vendors with local merchandise. I was disappointed. My short term goal is to have a successful vending spot and get The Paw Tiki recognized for the great merchandise that we have and continue to learn the business industry. Then take it from there. :) 

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Well, here we go!!

Hello from Fort Myers Beach, FL. WOW! my first blog post! From patients to pups, hospitals to retail space. The learning curve is evolving.  After thirty-four years in the healthcare industry it was time for a change. Believe me, my mental health is really appreciating this change!! I was thinking, OK now what? How do I change my way of thinking and living from the healthcare culture to a business focused society? Well, I started doing a lot of research about how to start a business, and general business knowledge. I have some good friends in the retail industry from cigars to clothing stores to restaurants, who are great mentors. I firmly believe everyone should find a mentor to help guide them in to unchartered waters. I'm learning to think more like a business person, than a healthcare worker, which is taking some time, practice and patience.  I'm beginning to take notice of what others do, the decisions they make and why. Not just the retail owners, but the customers, too.  I've developed a business plan, and yes, it has changed several times as I continue to learn, have successes, and pitfalls. Slowly I am realizing nothing happens overnight and to continue to work hard, never stop learning, listen to others advice (not that I have to take it! LOL),  and learn and do as much as I can. I know there will be ups and downs, trials and errors, and to keep pushing forward. There is no such thing as losing. Your either win, or you learn. So far I've developed my website which took a lot of time to do. I'm so "green!" I've also been stocking up my merchandise, and soon, I will try my hand at wholesaling to local businesses. Wish me luck, Keep posted and watch me grow!! Christine xoxo

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