Hello everyone!! Wow what a month it's been. I'm on week #2 of vending at a local market. Day one included getting up at 5:30am to get my day going. After a full day prior for organizing, and packing for the big day. I discovered while setting up that I FORGOT THE TOP TO THE TENT! Oh no, yes, ugh! Emergency call to a friend at 7am on his day off to go get my top. Whoa... yes, I was embarrassed, but I recovered. : )
The day was good. I met many people including vendors. Everyone was so nice and helpful. The local TV news was even there and yes, I MADE IT IN THE STORY! Well, sort of. Does me setting up flashing my back side count? LOL.
The second week of being a vendor went much smoother. Thank goodness! My set up time was half as long, and tear down time took just thirty minutes. It was a slow customer turnout, but I did sell several products; shirts and toys.
I was feeling the groove.... so I decided to go wholesaling. I visited a couple of local vet offices, pitched my product, left my info packet, and followed up on a couple of places I've met with before. I'm still learning how to have a confident pitch. Learned today how to try to become a vendor for a major chain store after visiting and speaking to a couple of them. I'm doing the work. Working hard and being patient for the rewards. Smiling all the while! xoxo Christine
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